12-week program

Online Course with live 1-2-1 zoom calls

Change your life - Change your story.


Book your free 30-minute discovery call today.

Would you like to see how we can help people just like you?

Learn how to handle stress and anxiety whilst improving and maintaining happiness and your well-being.


Did you know that only 8% of the population achieve the goals they set out, meaning a massive 92% of us don't achieve the change we desire - why is that?

Is it time for you to change?

Have you come to a point in your life where you are wanting to change?

Have you tried different methods but can’t seem to keep the change momentum going? Almost as if outside influences are trying to sabotage your change or you just find change too hard or too emotional.

Take Part?

We are looking for people who are NOW ready to take the step for that desired outcome you have always wanted but have never been able to achieve it.

We have put together a 12-week course with 6 modules. In this course you will also have weekly 1-2-1 live zoom calls.

Each week you will be given a new module, an activity workbook and access to your group Facebook account.

Our goal by the end of the 12 weeks, is for you to know how to bridge the gap and learn the skills that the 8% of the population have to achieve their goals and desires.

Doing the same things every day - means GETTING the same results. Why not take that change today and join Gentle Harmonies to give you the support, tools and the know how, in order achieve your desired state.

Mindset Course Schedule.


Week 1 & 2

Getting your balance right

Week 7 & 8

Managing your emotional state

Week 2 & 4

Your concerns Influence

Week 9 & 10

How to be more effective

Week 5 & 6

The 10 ingredients to achieve what you want

Week 11 & 12

Making it happen

Bonus # 1

You will have access to 7 audio guided meditations

Bonus # 2

You will have access to one distant healing session

Bonus # 3

You will receive a certificate of attendance

Change your life - Change your story today….?

Change your life - Change your story (Pay for Full Course)
Sale Price:£300.00 Original Price:£600.00
Change your life - Change your story - Pay Monthly
Sale Price:£110.00 every month for 3 months Original Price:£220.00 every month for 3 months

We look forward to being part of your POSITIVE change….


Energy Healing & Rebalancing Via Online Sessions


Distant Healing